Solutions / Tendering
With our supplier platform we aim at integrating our suppliers more tightly in our business processes. Interested companies may apply for suppliers. First of all, your company's registrar has to fill in the short supplier self-registration form. After the plausibility check and positive completed registration process, you will be entered to the supplier-data-bank. With that you created the condition to participate on tenders permanently.
You are asked for your offer via E-Mail. The purchaser specifies which suppliers are to be invited to bid. Then he arranges the tender and selects the tender documents which are then callable on the marketplace via Internet for the invited suppliers. He releases the request and you will receive an E-Mail containing the delivery date.
By entering login and password to get access to the marketplace you may recall the tender documents and store them in your EDP - system for further processing. You submit the offer containing the prices at same place. At the same time you may as well send other documents such as proposed modifications.
The transmission of data happens encrypted. Only persons for whom the data are intended can decode and read them. You will find further information in our instruction manual to vemap-requests as soon as you logged in.